Where in the Bible Can It Be Found About People Who Die Meeting Again on That Beautiful Shore

"He is not here but is risen!" Luke 24:6

"Jesus' 10 Amazing Appearances After His Resurrection" by Steppes of Faith

"Why practise yous seek the living amid the dead? He is non hither but is risen!" Luke 24:5-6

How was your Easter? Since all our relatives live very far abroad, my family and I enjoyed a wonderful 24-hour interval with shut friends. After church, we blimp ourselves silly with food and played games all evening. It was a beautiful celebration of Jesus' resurrection.

I go the feeling that Jesus' disciples experienced a very different Resurrection Lord's day. Later some of them watching our Lord die on the cross and the others hiding in fear and disbelief, the third day surely was disruptive.

Stories were flying about Jesus. Some said He was alive over again, some had seen Him, some had touched Him, some had eaten with Him, that He was in one place and and then suddenly several miles away in a different place backside locked doors.

The truth is Jesus appeared to His disciples and followers 10 times before His ascension, and it began right subsequently His tomb was establish empty.

Mary Magdalene and the Women

You no uncertainty call up how Mary Magdalene and two other women went to Jesus' tomb early on that Sunday morning but to find the stone rolled away. One of my absolute favorite Bible verses is Luke 24:5-6 where the angel says to them, "Why do y'all seek the living among the expressionless? He is not here but is risen!"

The women must have been stunned. He is risen? Can you imagine their atheism? Information technology was too expert to be true. Matthew 28:8 says "they went out rapidly from the tomb with fear and slap-up joy and ran to bring the disciples word."

Fearfulness and swell joy both. Any their disbelief, it didn't last long because they shortly ran into Jesus Himself. The Gospels seem to have a varying account of this outset meeting. Matthew says the women touched Him while John says they didn't, and both Marker and Luke make no mention of the encounter at all.

Regardless, two different descriptions of this amazing first appearance clearly evidence that Jesus was indeed alive once again and He had victoriously conquered the grave.Jesus victoriously conquered the grave!

Jesus In Galilee

"But he said to them, 'Practice not be alarmed. Y'all seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He is risen! He is not hither. See the identify where they laid Him. Merely become, tell His disciples—and Peter—that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will encounter Him, as He said to y'all.'" Mark 16:half dozen-7

In Marking 16, Mary Magdalene goes back to the disciples to tell them she had seen Jesus live over again and that they demand to go to Galilee. Offset, though, the disciples had to run back to the tomb to make sure she's telling the truth, which she was. That's when Matthew 28:16 says they immediately went to Galilee.

It'due south interesting that Matthew and Mark are the but books to mention Jesus telling the disciples to go to Galilee. But manifestly, they did go, and they establish Jesus at that place only as He said He would be. Scholars speculate that Jesus told them to go to Galilee because that was where virtually of His followers were. It lines upwardly with 1 Corinthians xv:6-7 where Paul describes a large gathering of disciples—

"After that, He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once."

Later That Aforementioned Day

Jesus appears 2 more than times the aforementioned twenty-four hours Mary Magdalene saw Him and afterward the gathering in Galilee.

Starting time, in Luke 24:13-32 we read of two disciples traveling to a hamlet chosen Emmaus. It was a little town about seven miles from Jerusalem. On their way to this town, they encountered someone who they thought was a man but was really Jesus, simply they didn't know it.As the disciples walked to Emmaus, a mysterious man joined them. It was Jesus.

They walked and talked with the "man" about the events of the crucifixion and resurrection until they reached the boondocks. Past so it was tardily afternoon, and the disciples asked Him to stay for dinner.

They went inside where they were, and Jesus broke breadstuff again and blessed information technology. It was then the disciples' eyes were opened, and they realized who the stranger was. Simply so Luke 24:32 says, "He vanished from their sight."

The disciples were left aghast at what they had just experienced.

Nosotros can assume immediately after that Jesus appeared to the remainder of the disciples except for Thomas. Recollect, before it was late afternoon. At present, according to John 20:19, information technology was evening fourth dimension, and the disciples were gathered together behind closed doors because they were agape of the Jews' persecution of them (recall how Peter was badgered around the burn down the night he denied Jesus three times?).

Suddenly, Jesus appeared out of nowhere right in their midst saying, "Peace exist with you lot." He showed them His hands and feet, and the disciples were overjoyed to meet Him. Information technology'southward important to note that this was the dark the Holy Spirit is first given to anyone. It did non happen at Pentecost as most people believe, which was the day Jesus ascended to sky.

Jesus appeared to His disciples the same day His tomb was found empty.

John 20:22 says, "And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them. If you retain the sins of whatsoever, they are retained.'"

He then asked them for something to eat to further evidence He truly was alive.

Breakfast at the Beach

By now, Jesus had visited His disciples four times. The fifth fourth dimension was on the eighth day after His resurrection. In John 21, Jesus decides to visit 7 of His disciples at the Sea of Tiberias while they were fishing one morning.

A mysterious man appears on the beach telling the disciples to cast their nets on the other side of their boat. It was Jesus again.

This is another famous moment when Jesus (in disguise over again) asks His friends if they've caught whatever fish. Equally you lot remember, they answered, "No." So, Jesus tells them to "bandage the net on the correct side of the boat, and you will observe some."

The Bible doesn't tell united states of america exactly how long the disciples had been fishing, whether they were frustrated and exhausted from not having caught anything, though many pastors and teachers have suspected they were. Still, they obeyed the man on the beach and cast their nets to find the nets flood with "the multitude of fish (v5)." It'due south but after their huge catch (153 fish, in fact, in verse 11) is hauled in that John recognizes that it's Jesus who was the strange man.

Jesus eats breakfast with His disciples after His resurrection.

Jesus invites them to swallow breakfast with Him, and it was right after that Jesus takes Peter aside and tells him to feed His sheep. Jesus says this to Peter three times in response to Peter'south deprival of the Lord three times the night of His crucifixion.

In the finish, everyone learns that Jesus has appointed Peter to be the pastor of the new church.

The Evening of the 8th Day

Thomas had not yet seen Jesus alive once again though he had doubtless heard all about it from the other disciples. That was near to change. We find the only account of Jesus' appearance to Thomas in John 20:26-29.

Thomas puts his finger in Jesus' side to prove He's alive.

Afterwards having breakfast with some of the disciples at the embankment that morning, Jesus once again mysteriously appears in the middle of the shut upper room after that evening, and He tells Thomas to impact His scarred easily and His side. It's then Thomas finally believes the truth that Jesus is truly live, and Jesus famously says, "Because you accept seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet accept believed."

A lesson for usa all.

Jesus' Appearance to James

The Gospels don't specifically mention Jesus appearing to His half-blood brother, James, privately. But we know at some point He met with him sometime before the disciples went to Galilee as was mentioned earlier. The only comment of it is plant in 1 Corinthians fifteen:vii where Paul writes, "After that, He was seen by James, then by all the apostles," which suggests Jesus made a stop at home in Nazareth before He went to Galilee.

This is an important coming together considering that was when James was finally convinced that Jesus, his big brother, is the Son of God. James completely devotes the rest of his life to leading the early church aslope Peter. In fact, James came to be known as the pb pastor of the Jerusalem church (Acts xv:xiii). He became very influential and powerful, so much he was killed for it.

Paul's Turn

We know Jesus met with Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, and he was appointed as an apostle shortly thereafter. This is special because the requirements for existence an apostle is to have been a disciple of Jesus and to have witnessed His crucifixion and resurrection. It was incommunicable for Paul to accept been a disciple since Jesus had already ascended to heaven.

Paul continues in 1 Corinthians 15:7, "Then terminal of all, He was seen by me also as by ane born out of due time."

"Built-in out of due fourth dimension" is a reference to Jesus personally appointing Paul equally an campaigner. Paul was fully aware of how special his appointment was. Immediately following in verses nine and ten, Paul humbly writes,

"For I am the least of the apostles, who am non worthy to be called an campaigner considering I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain."

The Rising

Aside from His meeting with Paul, Jesus' only other appearance is when He ascended to heaven in Acts i:3-11. He gathered His disciples together to tell them not to leave Jerusalem but look for the Holy Spirit. Call back they had already received the gift of the Holy Spirit, merely at present they were to wait for the Spirit to baptize them.

"For John truly baptized with water, but you shall exist baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now." Acts one:5

Jesus tells them they will receive ability from the Holy Spirit, so He commissions them to be witnesses of Him "to the end of the earth (v8)."

Jesus' last appearance on earth was the day He ascended to heaven but it won't be His last.

Immediately later He said this, Jesus ascended to sky every bit everyone watched, and ii angels appeared with expert news.

"He was taken up, and a deject received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went upwardly, behold, two men stood by them in white wearing apparel who also said, 'Men of Galilee, why do you stand up gazing upwards into sky? This aforementioned Jesus, who was taken up from y'all into heaven, volition so come in like manner equally yous saw Him get into heaven (v 9-11)."

Hallelujah, He's coming again!

Dear Beyond Measure

Jesus longs to be with us. He desires an eternal human relationship with united states of america. His perpetual appearances after His resurrection prove it.

His death and resurrection weren't going to keep Him from the ones He loves. Information technology didn't stop Him and then, and it doesn't terminate Him now. His faithfulness is unending, His love is beyond any measurement, and ane mean solar day He'southward coming once again to have us home to sky so we can be with Him forever.

How about you? Have you seen Jesus lately? Exercise you accept a relationship with Him? He's waiting for you. He stands at the door of your eye knocking, waiting to see you.

Will you let Him in?

Further Reading

"The Unsettling Truth of James' Martyred Death" by Steppes of Faith

It's wonderful that James finally saw the truth of who Jesus is. He went on to exercise great things in the early church and bringing many others to Jesus' saving grace. Unfortunately, the Pharisees didn't see it as something very skilful. In The Unsettling Truth of James' Martyred Death, learn what ultimately happened to James and the legacy he left backside for usa all.

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Source: http://www.steppesoffaith.com/apologetics/jesus-10-appearances-resurrection

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